
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Now Showing: Employment Law Tweets

I just created a page called Employment Law Tweets. I utilize a Twitter list, EmpLaw, which I created as a list of the top employment law Tweeters... or is it Twitterers? (purely based on my personal experience on Twitter - I assure you, it is not scientific)

If you're on Twitter, you can just go to the list and follow it, or check it out any time you'd like. However, I know some (many) of my readers don't have Twitter accounts. Now, they can simply go to the Employment Law Tweets page (there's also a tab/button at the top of this page) and see what my favorite employment law Tweeters are talking about. And it's right here on my your favorite blog!

I think it's a great way to stay current, and see the top employment law stories at any given time. Fair warning: I am not creating this content, and these crazy kids may tweet anything at any time - not my tweets, not my fault. Also, some of the people on the list occasionally tweet about things other than employment law.

Enjoy! Oh, and you can follow me on Twitter (@PhilipMiles) or follow the blog feed (@LawfficeSpace).

Posted by Philip Miles, an attorney with McQuaide Blasko in State College, Pennsylvania in the firm's civil litigation and labor and employment law practice groups.

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