
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Top Lawffice Space Entries of 2011 and All-Time

Welcome to the Lawffice Space 2011 year-end blowout! Today's entry is a countdown of the Top 10 entries of 2011 and the Top 5 entries of all-time. A few ground rules: No Case of the Week's (they have their own countdown later in the week); only predominantly original entries (no posts that are primarily external links, like Lawffice Links, publication announcements, etc.); and "Top" is defined by hits according to Google Blogger. And now, drum roll please . . .

10. E-Discovery - Litigation Hold Rule on the Way? from 2/3/2011

9. Must Pennsylvania Employers Pay Unused Vacation at Termination? from 8/4/2011

8. 2 GINA Employee Handbook Action Items from 1/18/2011

7. Brett Favre and Text Message Sexual Harassment from 1/3/2011

6. Hot Topic: Workplace Tebowing from 10/31/2011

5. NLRB's New Posting Requirement (which keeps getting delayed) from 8/25/2011

4. NLRB Social Media Memo Part I - NLRA-Protected Acts from 8/22/2011

3. Charts of EEOC Charges 1997-2010 from 1/11/2011

2. Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Reform: New Job Search Requirements from 6/19/2011

1. Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Reform: Severance Pay from 6/23/2011

So, Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Reform locked down the top 2 slots, beating out EEOC stats and a pair of NLRB issues. Most of those reforms take place at the start of 2012 FYI. And now, the top entries ever . . .

5. Distraction Theory - ADA Association Provision from 10/25/2010

4. Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Reform: New Job Search Requirements from 6/19/2011

3. Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Reform: Severance Pay from 6/23/2011

2. Failing Out of Law School from 6/20/2009

1. Email Harassment - Jesse James Edition from 4/12/2010

Tune in every day this week for more 2011 round-up action and a peek at 2012!

Posted by Philip Miles, an attorney with McQuaide Blasko in State College, Pennsylvania in the firm's civil litigation and labor and employment law practice groups.

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