Earlier this month, I went on my honeymoon for a week or so and Lawffice Space had a guest blogger, Kristina Duncan (she prefers the term "blogsitter"). Three guesses how I found her. If you're not thinking, "Twitter, Twitter, and Twitter" you should be. I tweeted that Lawffice Space was going to be inactive for a couple weeks; she tweeted that she'd be happy to help; the rest is history. You can follow Kristina Duncan on Twitter: @legalninjakris. And oh by the way, if you read my first Twitter post, you'll see that she was also one of the people who Retweeted my original blog announcement!
Twitter has also been an invaluable source of learning for me. As an example, the other day Daniel Schwartz tweeted a link to his new blog entry about a Second Circuit public employee free speech case. I find that topic interesting and hadn't seen the case so the entry was educational. I also commented on the entry and Mr. Schwartz replied with a nice email. The email included information on a Connecticut law which I found educational as well. This is just an anecdote showing that Twitter facilitates learning and interaction. I could recount many similar examples. You can follow Daniel Schwartz on Twitter: @danielschwartz.
I hope I've adequately conveyed that Twitter is a networking tool that is not just a way to broadcast information, but a way to interact and learn. As a broadcasting tool, it's not too shabby though. Remember those 17 followers when I announced my blog? That's about 500 followers now. Twitter remains second only to Google in number of referrals to Lawffice Space. I've also added a TweetMeme button (at the top of new posts) that will allow readers to share Lawffice Space entries on Twitter with the click of a button.
Oh, one last thing, you can follow me on Twitter: @philipmiles.
just to clarify, at the time my twitter handle was @Krislegalista. Twitter is a wonderful tool, both professionally and personally. Great post! :)