
Monday, November 30, 2009

Employment Blawgs in 2009 ABA Blawg 100

The ABA Journal released its annual Blawg 100 for 2009! Sadly, the list does not include Lawffice Space. I assume it's because I've only been blogging for a few months (I mean, that's the only possible explanation, right?). In all seriousness, the list is pretty solid and includes a lot of great blogs I read pretty regularly.

I would like to take a moment to recognize the employment law blogs that have staked out well-deserved spots on the list:

Connecticut Employment Law Blog by Dan Schwartz - I have left a few comments for Dan and he is always quick to reply or shoot me an email. He's also a prolific twitterer (tweeter?) and equally interactive in that forum (@danielschwartz).

Delaware Employment Law Blog by Molly DiBianca - This is another one I read pretty regularly. It is particularly noteworthy for its excellent taste in employment law blogs (naming Lawffice Space to its Top 100 Employment Law Blogs). Also on Twitter (@MollyDiBi).

Work Matters by Michael Maslanka - This blog does a great job of providing labor and employment law lessons from unlikely sources. A lot of employment law blogs cover the same ground; Work Matters has a style all its own. Also on Twitter (@worklawyer).

That's What She Said - They write case assessments, including an estimated litigation value, for every episode of The Office. Obviously this is awesome and needs no further explanation.

The Client Revolution is in the Blawg 100 but not technically an employment law blog. It is run by Jay Shepherd (Shepherd Law Group - "The nation's only employer law firm to price by client value instead of hours") who also authors Gruntled Employees. Also on Twitter (@jayshep).

Hmmm, I'm noticing a correlation between the folks I recognize from Twitter and the blogs on the Blawg 100. Anyways, it's great to see some employment law blogs make the cut. Congratulations to all!

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