It's summertime here in State College, Pennsylvania. Yet, on Sunday as I was driving home from the gym, my car was suddenly and relentlessly pelted by small pieces of ice - hail. Then on Tuesday, we were hit by an earthquake (you can only imagine how often we get hit with earthquakes here in central Pennsylvania). Now, the Northeast is about to get hammered by Hurricane Irene.
This can only mean one thing: the end is near. But, on the off chance the world will still exist next week, most employers have chosen to continue operation. However, recent events have prompted many employers to seek guidance regarding disaster preparedness. I'm not wasting the end of days blogging about workplace policies, but here are some helpful entries from others on the subject:
16 Best Practices for Conquering the Next Natural Disaster - Eric Meyer, The Employer Handbook.
I’m Not In Love, So Why Do My Knees Feel Weak? Workplace Crisis Management - Adria Martinelli, Delaware Employment Law Blog
Hurricane Preparedness in Connecticut: Come on Irene? - Dan Schwartz, Connecticut Employment Law Blog
And, of course, the important question on every employee's mind: If The Office Is Closed Due To Natural Disaster, Will I Be Paid? - Donna Ballman on AOL Jobs
Some are taking this lightly (see picture, which I will credit to "Every single one of my friends on Facebook" or alternatively "The Internet.") If you have a post that covers workplace disaster preparedness, please feel free to drop a comment.
Posted by Philip Miles, an attorney with McQuaide Blasko in State College, Pennsylvania in the firm's civil litigation and labor and employment law practice groups.
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