
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Lawffice Links - Who Owns LinkedIn Accounts?

What happens when an employee uses a LinkedIn account for professional and personal use, shares the password with a co-worker, and then leaves the company? If you guessed "a lawsuit over ownership of the LinkedIn account" then you are correct! The Court ultimately allowed the ex-employee's state misappropriation claims to move forward, while axing her federal statutory claims for failure to prove damages.

I baked some fresh Lawffice Links with more details:
Bottom line: Employers should expressly lay out these issues in writing upon creation of the account. If employees don't want their LinkedIn accounts taken - don't share the password.

1 comment:

  1. Based on the privacy policy of Linkedin, you don't really own your Linkedin account, but you are well represented with your own page in association. Same with facebook. Linkedin can terminate your account and that speaks volume.
