
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Important Updates to Gov. Wolf's Shutdown (and update on legal services)

Governor Wolf issue a new revised list of life-sustaining versus non-life sustaining businesses. Also, enforcement was delayed until Monday, March 23 at 8:00 AM. Legal services are still not listed. That said, it comes with the caveat, "Except as permitted expressly by the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC)." And, the AOPC issued the following:
In the view of AOPC, restricted access to law offices and facilities by legal professionals, staff, and clients is permitted to the degree necessary to allow attorneys to participate in court functions deemed essential by a President Judge per the Supreme Court’s order of March 18, 2020, so long as social distancing and other mitigation measures are employed for the protection of lawyers, staff, and clients. Pursuant to the Governor’s order, all other business must be conducted remotely; necessary retrieval of files or other materials should be accomplished expeditiously.
You can read the referenced March 18, 2020 Supreme Court Order here.

Governor Wolf also issued some helpful general guidance:

Updated Business Guidance
Business Waiver Application Form
FAQ on Business Guidance

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